“Then and Now” My Journey Across Cultures.

Monday evening, I rushed from the lecture rooms  at the law faculty on St. Cross Road  and hurried to the Oxford Union. Senator Manny Pacquiao the only eight-division  world boxing champion in the history of the sport was expected to speak at the Union. He  had defied all odds, punching above his weight, to rise and become a senator in the Philippines, representing Saragani constituency having garnered over 16 million votes (which is nearly half the population of Uganda, my home country). From the time the Union’s Michelmas Term Events Card was released bearing him as a slated speaker, there was a great deal of anticipation for his talk.

The 450 capacity debating chamber was indeed a full house when I walked in. Manny (as he is adoringly called by his legion of fans) gave a touching account of his life. He said his humbling life began in a struggle; in poverty and that most times as a child he had gone without food. It was a life of determination, ignoring the odds and going against them. When the floor was opened for the Q & A, I was given an opportunity to ask him a question. I gladly did.  In that moment, when I handed back the microphone after having asked the question; I thought of how extremely fortunate I was to have the opportunity of being at this historic debate chamber. To interact with world icons, political leaders, renowned influencers in all disciplines and above all the chance to engage in intellectual discourse at one of the world’s premier learning institutions, is an unusual privilege.

At the Oxford Union

I remembered how I had promised to write a blog when I settled into Oxford. Somehow, owing to the rigorous nature of my course, I hadn’t been able to sit down and do so.  Sydney, an old friend, reminded me how important it was for me to document the euphoric feeling and life changing experience in its’ raw form before I got drowned up in essays and tutorials. The ‘sad’ reality was that; the demands of the course had already taken a toll on me. However, I decided to make some time in the fifth week of term to write about my last day in Uganda and my arrival in Oxford. I   have also made a pledge to make a daily journal entry. I know that this   sounds extremely ambitious, but well; I’ll give it a shot.

Over the last couple of weeks, as you might know, I set off on a new journey, starting my master’s degree. The enthusiasm of starting the degree was prevalent but also in equal measure  a sense of a daunting challenge.  Before I left Uganda, my work colleagues, friends and family had been very helpful. They briefed me, ‘prepped’ me and suffocated me with all information in order to cushion me from cultural shock. My mother even went as far as dragging me to the market at 8:00pm to buy a thick second hand jacket and pair of strong black leather shoes for the anticipated cold weather.

My work colleagues organized a special farewell lunch and some of my friends, on the scheduled day for my flight insisted that I make time for one last meal.  In many ways I am eternally grateful to them.  I failed to meet up some close friends, because everything happened so fast; I didn’t have time to say bye to everyone.  I have since had to apologize to some relatives and friends who I didn’t see before I left.  I had not fully comprehended and accepted the idea that I was going to be away from my family and Ugandan life for over a year; it only hit me when I said my goodbyes to my family in the departure lounge at Entebbe International Airport.

I had a huge lump in my throat as I saw my flight number on the dashboard change to “check in.” I still do not know why. For some reason, I was fiddling with the wrist strap on my hand. As I hugged my siblings, it dawned on me that it would be long before I would get to sit down, have dinner and share some chapattiwith them, as had been the case every Saturday. It was an oxymoron; I was filled with sadness but that same time happily anxious for the journey that lay ahead. I unwillingly let go of my young sister’s hand and joined the check-in queue. We had a turbulence free flight through Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam to Heathrow, London.

Upon arrival at Heathrow, as I hustled with my travel documents, I handed them to the immigration officer. He asked me, “What brings you to the United Kingdom? In a hasty voice, I told him I had come to study. He then looked through the documents I had given him and saw my letter of confirmation of a place at the University .  With a boyish delight and aspirational smile, he looked at me and said, “Oxford!!!”  He muttered, and continued with a significant nod of approval; “Congratulations mate, I cannot ask you any more questions. You must be extremely brilliant.” He stamped my passport and asked me to enjoy my time at Oxford and become an expert rower. I really didn’t know why he mentioned rowing. Its only when I attended the orientation talk at Jesus College that I was informed of the strong culture of rowing on the river. A sport that all the colleges engaged in.

Courtesy of my mother’s foresight, she had set  me up with her longtime friend who received me when I arrived at Heathrow. She helped me navigate the underground train system and booked me on a bus to the City of Oxford. With immense excitement, I got off the double decker at the bus stop on High Street.  There I was in the “city of dreaming spires.” The name owed to the classical architecture of the University buildings. There I was, extremely delighted and also fully aware of the daunting task that lay ahead. I was expecting to find a huge University gate labelled “University of Oxford” like the one at my alma mater; this was a typical characteristic of entrances to most African Universities. I never saw one. I got to learn later on as I moved around that the University did not not have a central campus; as an alternative its colleges, departments and other facilities were spread through the city center. One  needed a map to get around.

I checked my phone at the bus stop and realized my battery was down.   I didn’t know where my College was and I couldn’t access google maps, which anyway at that time I didn’t know how to use. Oxford University is a collegiate university. It means that every admitted student is affiliated to a college. There are 38 colleges in Oxford.  At the college, the student receives their formal admission, is offered university accommodation & meals and also has his general welfare handled by the College. For example, formal dinners are held at one’s college on a weekly basis.  I was admitted to Jesus College, established in 1571. Yes, it’s that old! And quite frankly it isn’t even the oldest college. All around me were classical buildings, I felt like I was a script torn out from J. k. Rowling’ s famous Harry Potter series. I was fortunate enough to find a good Samaritan, who not only, offered to take me to up to my college but even volunteered to carry one of my bags. I was so relieved.

He showed me to Jesus College. When I got into my room, I took a deep sigh of relief and got some rest.  That evening, I picked my University I.D and many other items. It was really happening!  I squinted my eyes to ascertain that I was truly standing at gates of All Souls College, Oxford’s most prestigious college; that rejected H.L.Hart  and William Holdsworth and former Prime Minister Harold Wilson. Standing there truly felt momentous, empowering and wonderful.  The whole city is a tourist attraction. People are often spotted taking pictures at every building. What truly amazed me was when I saw a married couple in their wedding gowns having a photoshoot on the stony pavements of Turl Street.  It was such a gorgeous site to behold.

All Soul’s College.

A friend showed me around the key sites of the city. Most notable was the Blackwell’s Bookshop and the Bridge of Sighs. The Bridge of Sighs joins two parts of Hertford College and was modelled after the famous Bridge of Sighs in Venice with an interesting history. It came from the idea that prisoners would sigh at their final view of beautiful Venice through the window before being taken down to their cells. Very Historical. Almost every building in Oxford has a story. Sadly, since I am not in any way a tourist guide I am unable to offer an account of every building with in Oxford. I hope that I can write more about them when I finish the degree here.

The Bridge of Sighs at Hertford College.   Credits: Tristan

There is just so much tradition to thrill anyone. Even me, a hardcore history lover, was truly amazed. The apex of my first weeks at Oxford was the matriculation ceremony in the third week of Michelmas term.  There we go again, another Oxford term! Matriculation is the official ceremony where one is admitted to the University.  New students are required to wear their ‘sub fusc’ (University gown) and hold their hats. One is required to wear a black suit, with a white shirt, bow tie, black stockings and black shoes. Over the time the rules on colors have been relaxed.  Students assemble at their respective colleges. 

On that morning, I dressed as required moved to the 2ndquad at Jesus College. I took a personal portrait picture and also the official college matriculation group photo. We then were asked to pair up and move in a queue. Led by the Principal of Jesus College we marched to the Sheldonian Theatre. The Sheldonian Theatre is the official ceremonial hall of the University. It was truly a beautiful sight, seeing queues from other colleges moving asymmetrically to the theatre along the beautiful broad street.  It felt like we were again making the great walk to liberation. 

Matriculation Group Photo at Jesus College.

I stood behind the Principal and I heard when one of the porters called on the Principal to follow him and enter the theatre. I followed the Principal in a religiously devote manner like a servant in the Roman Catholic Church. It was an elated feeling. We marched into the marvel of art that is the Sheldonian; designed by Sir Christopher Wren. As we walked in I looked up at the glorious ceiling, painted on thirty-two oil on canvas panels by Robert Streater.  I traversed and was showed to my seat  by one of the porters. You could hear a lot of murmurs in the theatre, until a loud silence encircled the theatre, you could hear a leaking pipe; every one stood up; and the main entrance was opened, an almost angelic light came from the open door. There we saw three persons walk in to the theater.  My neighbor tapped my shoulder and whispered to me stealthily, that, it was the Vice- Chancellor. We waited for her to reach her seat and stand while facing the audience.  Some gentleman clad in a university gown spoke some Latin words and then asked us to take our seats.

Students take their seats inside the marvel; That is the Sheldonian Theatre.

The Vice Chancellor then welcomed us to the University community and said, “…During the short time you will be here you will gather that we are an extremely complex University. We are an institution where ancient and modern exist side by side for their mutual benefit. We are united in the pursuit of knowledge.” She remarked, “Your time here is precious; and it will pass more quickly than we could imagine.  Use your time well; explore, do not to be afraid to make mistakes, challenge yourselves and try new things.”

In many ways she echoed the essence of endurance. I reflected on how long the journey had been, how without the support of family, friends, my former professors and lecturers, I would not have been here. I remembered, the hustle of the written essay of my application, the misery of having to take its critical review, the endless emails I sent to my lecturers reminding them to submit the recommendations; But most importantly, I remembered my Lord, Jesus Christ, who enabled me, and aligned everything so perfectly well, to make sure that I’d be here on this day. He who had been behind the foundations that formed the earth, and the very basis of human existence. I marveled and thought, who am I?  That He is mindful of me.

  • Unknown
    Posted at 05:28h, 10 June Reply

    Just read this blog,very inspiring

    Posted at 03:37h, 30 July Reply

    Congratulations Counsel Joel. I am personally proud of you.

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 01:36h, 23 July Reply

    Thank you.

  • Michael P.Kazinja
    Posted at 03:47h, 22 April Reply

    Beautiful experience! Enjoy your time there!

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 01:17h, 20 April Reply

    Thank you, former housemate.

  • Nk Japhet
    Posted at 09:10h, 21 January Reply

    Great recollection of your journey to Oxford, can't wait to read your next article. Thank you for keeping it Jesus all the way.

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 01:28h, 05 January Reply

    Thank you .

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 01:28h, 05 January Reply

    Thank You Ronald. Amen

  • Unknown
    Posted at 17:37h, 04 January Reply

    Very engaging and entertaining piece! Glad you are enjoying your time there and making the most of the experience!

  • Matovu Ronald
    Posted at 20:43h, 26 December Reply

    So happy for you Basoga, more blessings follow you. Cheers.

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 00:42h, 16 December Reply

    Thanks Allan, for the feedback. Amen.

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 00:42h, 16 December Reply

    Thank you, Gabula.

  • Unknown
    Posted at 21:47h, 15 December Reply

    Allan Katangaza

  • Unknown
    Posted at 21:44h, 15 December Reply

    This is a really beautiful piece of art! The delivery is flawless. It is amazing that you documented this journey. Congratulations once again on making it to Oxford. May your star shine brighter than it currently is and may Oxford deliver you beyond the horizons. Great read!

  • Stainles
    Posted at 18:03h, 13 December Reply

    Congratulations brothe

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 23:57h, 11 December Reply

    Thank you, Felly.

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 23:56h, 11 December Reply

    Thanks Brenda. I appreciate the feedback and comments. Amen.

  • Unknown
    Posted at 14:11h, 11 December Reply


  • Unknown
    Posted at 14:10h, 11 December Reply

    Congratulations upon making it to the University of Oxford. I believe and trust you will come out a champion. All the best in this new chapter of your life.
    Stay blessed

  • Unknown
    Posted at 14:09h, 11 December Reply

    Congratulations upon making it to the University of Oxford. Surely endurance is called for but believe and trust you will come out a champion. All the best Joel in this new chapter of your life.
    Stay blessed

  • Unknown
    Posted at 06:01h, 26 November Reply

    Kept postponing this read for the best moment. Because I was more than thrilled and excited. So just when all the stars were aligned.. I picked up my phone and marched to your blog.�� I must say that it has done me good and brought me such comfort on this 4 hour long drive. I have read it 3 times such that o get the same thrill each time. Your destined for greatness JOEL.
    Thanks you for being amaizing and sharing your awesomeness with everyone… Oxford has a lot to learn from your beautifull heart. I hope they are ready for you.
    Strongly cheering you on.
    May you leave a trail in each room you enter and may God open more doors for you.
    I believe in you.
    Yours truely.

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 15:11h, 24 November Reply

    Thank you Martha. Onwards and upwards.

  • Martha Nante
    Posted at 11:04h, 24 November Reply

    Congratulations Joel. Reading this reminded me of my own ‘coming’ story. You are not alone. Your university is indeed Ivy League, everything sounds amazing about it. Onward, upward.

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 00:59h, 22 November Reply


  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 00:59h, 22 November Reply


  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 00:59h, 22 November Reply

    I'll be sure to do so .thanks.

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 00:58h, 22 November Reply

    Thank you. William.

  • Unknown
    Posted at 11:08h, 21 November Reply

    Interesting read Joel. Caroline N

  • Unknown
    Posted at 11:07h, 21 November Reply

    All the best Joel

  • Unknown
    Posted at 08:03h, 21 November Reply

    Well said Joel. Learn all you can. Explore, be adventurous and try out new food and foreign cuisine. The world is our home and Uganda is just a chapter in a book. God sent you to UK for a reason and season. Dive into the deep end after walking through the shallow waters. Read Psalms 27 tonight. God bless you.

  • William Golola
    Posted at 20:34h, 20 November Reply

    Great piece… I like the part where the immigration office affirms that "You must be extremely brilliant"
    We are indeed inspired by you.
    All the best.

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 15:42h, 18 November Reply

    Amen. Thanks

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 15:41h, 18 November Reply

    Thank you.

  • Unknown
    Posted at 12:11h, 18 November Reply

    Well done Joel. Great post. Hope you continue to share.

  • Arthur Lukyamuzi
    Posted at 16:57h, 17 November Reply

    Just shine the more

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 17:59h, 14 November Reply

    Thank you and Amen.

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 17:58h, 14 November Reply

    Thank you Allan.

  • Unknown
    Posted at 15:49h, 14 November Reply

    Bro tht z good.i know God z on your side and he will always be.i know it will all go according to plan.be blessed bro

  • Lutaaya Allan Mark
    Posted at 13:46h, 14 November Reply

    Endurance…. I neednt dispute its power.
    What a story.

  • Joseph Mukasa AFOX
    Posted at 13:36h, 14 November Reply

    You are most welcome. Stay blessed.

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 13:34h, 14 November Reply

    Thank you very much Joseph.

    Amen. I agree it is a human requirement that we materialise it into meaningful contribution by serving humanity.

    Thank you for helping me settle in and the great ideas you always have to the contribution in the Oxford Africa Soxiety. Yours is a big calling.

    Thank you for taking time to read and giving me the feedback.

    Glad to join you on this journey.

  • Joseph Mukasa AFOX
    Posted at 13:32h, 14 November Reply

    Dear Joel, I warmly welcome you to the University of Oxford, the classical and modern University. After reading through your well-structured post, I get a feeling that, this is one of the ways to inspire our contemporaries. I am convinced that your experience will contribute greatly to your positionality in the diverse and multicultural environment of Oxford. Our goal is success. Once we achieve it, it is a human requirement that we materialise it into meaningful contribution by serving humanity and the environs. In this regard, I have hope, with the splendid knowledge that you will garner from Oxford, you will achieve your career plans without compromise and help you serve humanity diligently. I wish you the best while at Oxford and explore the antiquities and modern experiences of the university.

  • Joseph Mukasa AFOX
    Posted at 13:30h, 14 November Reply

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 13:29h, 14 November Reply

    Thank you Jose.

    Amen .I take the blessings . Thank you.

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 13:28h, 14 November Reply

    Thank you. I greatly appreciate the feedback. Amen

    Posted at 10:06h, 14 November Reply

    Amazing! Congratulations again Joel! I really love your descriptive writing……it paints such a perfect picture of Oxford for any reader……May God bless, sustain and guide you all through your stay.
    Kind regards.

  • Unknown
    Posted at 06:04h, 14 November Reply

    Awesome!!! I never wanted to stop reading. Its such a wonderful count of events. Looking forward for more. Stay blessed & do your best to make us proud bro..

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 21:42h, 13 November Reply

    Thank you, Keith. Amen. Thank you for this very kind words. I am very humbled. You are a great friend.

    Posted at 13:42h, 13 November Reply

    Hallo Counsel Basoga, Having read through this great post, I can only wish you nothing but the best of luck in your new legal career of pursuing your long awaited dream. I am alive to the fact that you really needed this and it has come to pass that you are now already into it, and I believe you also know that God's timing is the best timing. I am very proud of you counsel Joel. I would like to add that having associated myself with you at different academic, moots and other platforms, having tapped form your academic intellect, knowledge and wisdom in the way you articulate legal discourses and the way you view life, and finally having studied law with you at undergraduate, I have no doubt that you are the best thing that is about to happen to Uganda and Africa at large. We need more people like you who believe and chase their dreams. I am proud of you comrade. The sky is not the limit, keep keeping on, never give and may the almighty God bless you while you are there. Do not forget to keep being Awesome and great. Stay blessed comrade.

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 01:03h, 13 November Reply

    Thank you. For the kind words.

    Just below this post you will see some . But for ease please follow this link, https://joelbasoga.blogspot.com/2015/09/reflections-about-life.html?m=1

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 21:44h, 12 November Reply

    Thank you Clare. Greatly appreciate the time taken by a 'senior blogger' to read through.

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 21:43h, 12 November Reply

    Thank you, Dr. Kakooza; for your encouragement and support all through. Amen.

  • Unknown
    Posted at 18:36h, 12 November Reply

    Joel!! You're a great writer! Also, Congratulations! I can imagine how you feel. I can't wait to have my own glimpse of that feeling! ? Great Read though! ?

  • Unknown
    Posted at 17:31h, 12 November Reply

    I am really happy for you Joel and I know you too are going to leave your own footprints in the great walk of life, God being your helper.

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 16:01h, 12 November Reply

    Webaale inho Senga wange. Emikisa ngitwaile. I will take heed of your words Nnalongo. Thanks for the unending support, mentorship and prayers.Your record as the First Woman Vice President in Africa and a member of the United Nations Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa; is always inspiring to me. I will continue to seek your counsel and guidance.

    Nsiimye inho. Really humbled that you took time of your busy schedule to read my blog post. Akwirizeewo Kibumba.

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 10:03h, 12 November Reply

    Thanks, I love that quote. You are welcome. Thanks for taking the time to read and giving feedback.

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 10:02h, 12 November Reply

    Thank you. It is a great honor. Thank you for taking time to read and giving the feedback.

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 10:01h, 12 November Reply

    Thank you, Victor. Greatly appreciate the feedback.

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 10:00h, 12 November Reply

    Webale inho munna. Kibumba agungumale.

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 09:59h, 12 November Reply

    Amen. Thank you for taking time to read and comment.

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 09:59h, 12 November Reply

    Thanks, Malaika.

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 09:58h, 12 November Reply

    Thank you Derek. Eternally grateful to him.

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 09:58h, 12 November Reply

    Thank you, Gad. You are welcome.

  • Unknown
    Posted at 09:45h, 12 November Reply

    Like Victor Hugo says "No force on earth can stop an idea whose time has come". I am truly confident He who started the great work in you, will see it to accomplishment. Keep going, keep inspiring. Greater lies ahead. God Bless You and thank you so much for sharing. Truly Inspirational!

  • Unknown
    Posted at 09:30h, 12 November Reply

    I remember how much you adored the oxford union! Always watching youtube videos of the debates held therein.
    It's really comforting to know that you now sit and participate live. Kudos

  • Unknown
    Posted at 09:19h, 12 November Reply

    All the best sir. Wish you well man.

  • Kagawa Naziri
    Posted at 07:13h, 12 November Reply

    Such inspirational enkabi dakibbumba dikubeku ela okangaluke bukalamu mukagwa, blessings.

  • Unknown
    Posted at 07:08h, 12 November Reply

    May God Continue to richly bless you! All the best

  • Tabitha Malaika
    Posted at 06:30h, 12 November Reply

    Nice one!

  • Derek Kayongo
    Posted at 05:57h, 12 November Reply

    Oh wow indeed in this blog I see the greatest of our LORD Jesus Christ and amazed by his greatness and love
    All the best my brother and make Jesus Famous in all your endeavours

  • Unknown
    Posted at 05:12h, 12 November Reply

    So where are they Joel? I'd love to read them too and now I recall your ever insightful success stories from the LCC assignment?. Kem

  • Gad Arthur
    Posted at 04:58h, 12 November Reply

    All the best, Joel. Thanks for setting the bar high.

  • Unknown
    Posted at 03:36h, 12 November Reply

    Mwana wange. I am happy you have settled in. Do not forget your life's vocation, Uganda and Africa. Your father is proud of you indeed…he never did anything in half measures. With God beside you the sky is within reach. Emikisa gya baise Igaga gibe n'iwe. Senga Spe e Ddundu

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 21:42h, 11 November Reply

    Thank you. Amen. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.

  • Unknown
    Posted at 21:23h, 11 November Reply

    A story well told…Joel your own is indeed moghty. May Oxford favour you…brilliant boy☺

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 20:17h, 11 November Reply

    Many thanks for the kind words, Amen. Thanks for taking time to read through and comment.

  • Unknown
    Posted at 19:53h, 11 November Reply

    Mannys past and yours has some similarities. I’m sure the future won’t be so different. All the best with this new stage of your life.

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 17:54h, 11 November Reply

    Thank you. It is a great culture going on here. I'll make an effort to write a post whenever possible. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 17:53h, 11 November Reply

    Haha. Nice one. Thanks for taking time to read and comment.

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 17:48h, 11 November Reply

    Thanks Micheal for the kind words and comment. This journey is much better with you here. Let press on, the God Lord is on our side.

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 17:47h, 11 November Reply

    It was an error of the head and not the heart. Thanks for taking time to read and comment. Although the blog has been here, you can check out some of my previous posts.

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 17:45h, 11 November Reply

    Thank you Brian. The Lord has been faithful.

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 17:44h, 11 November Reply

    Thanks Bright. Also for taking the time to read and comment.

  • Joel Basoga
    Posted at 17:43h, 11 November Reply

    Thanks Leah, for taking the time to read and emphasizing the word of the VC.

  • Michael Uzor
    Posted at 17:42h, 11 November Reply

    Simply amazing, please keep this up! I know God will see you through this journey and with flying colours!

  • Unknown
    Posted at 16:57h, 11 November Reply

    I'm one of those people you didn't say bye to, and I understand! So proud of you Joel. Keep flying, there's no limit. Thrilled to read your piece here and grateful you've created this blog!

  • Kiira Waibi
    Posted at 16:36h, 11 November Reply

    All the best Joel. Your journey inspires many. Be blessed papa.

  • Unknown
    Posted at 16:02h, 11 November Reply

    Wow. Beautiful account of events Joel. I like that they don't keep the inspirational speech for graduation only.
    Waiting for more posts ?

  • Unknown
    Posted at 15:57h, 11 November Reply

    I like your vice chancellor . Seriously though this is nothing like buggujju and M block

  • Unknown
    Posted at 15:51h, 11 November Reply

    Great work, wish you all the best Jorl.

  • Leah
    Posted at 15:22h, 11 November Reply

    The Vice Chancellor had wise words and do follow them. Enjoy each moment! Don't be afraid to live your life to the fullest but of course with Christ at the center of it all!!!

    Looking forward to more blogs.

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